Mijk van Dijk’s Euphoria-Mix

Mijk van Dijk’s Euphoria-Mix

I did an exclusive 2-hour-DJ-mix for DJ Euphoria’s #melodiasessions which was aired August 12th, where I connected a few dots between old and very new euphoric music and spiced them up with my own productions, some well-known, some maybe not. Thank you Alex for having...

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Mijk van Dijk Ambient Live Set for Liquid Sky Cologne

Mijk van Dijk Ambient Live Set for Liquid Sky Cologne

Yesterday I had the pleasure to play an ambient live set for my friends at Liquid Sky Cologne. I played some of my released ambient works, some reworks and some unreleased stuff. First hour was by Moogulator, second by yours truly. Uli Sigg did the spaced-out video...

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Mijk plays Mijk for Wonderful Rave

Mijk plays Mijk for Wonderful Rave

Everybody's streaming and so do I, every once in a while. My booking agency Classic DJ asked me to contribute to their Wonderful Rave program and so I played this vinyl DJ set straight from my living room, with only Mijk tracks from the past. With a few surprises,...

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Still High On Hope

Still High On Hope

Someone uploaded my Microglobe tune "High On Hope" to YouTube, with video coverage from the legendary first X-Mix-1 video,in these wonderful 90s-like animations. The song was originally released on MFS Records in 1992.  Worth checking out. Microglobe - High On...

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Sunday Music: High On Hope (Long Hot Summer Remix)

Sunday Music: High On Hope (Long Hot Summer Remix)

Now this was summer 2014. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Especially the last week was a nice payback for some unnecessary cold and rain before. 22 years ago around this time, I was waiting for the release of the Summer Remix EP of my Microglobe track High On...

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Sunday Music: Projekt Erde

Sunday Music: Projekt Erde

Today I'd like to introduce you to Projekt Erde, a very unknown ambient act from Germany. I discovered their double-album Mysterious Vibration/ 11:11 in 1992, mainly due to the nicely looking CD box. Turn this music loud and let it swell and drift like a warm and...

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