Today I’d like to introduce you to Projekt Erde, a very unknown ambient act from Germany. I discovered their double-album Mysterious Vibration/ 11:11 in 1992, mainly due to the nicely looking CD box. Turn this music loud and let it swell and drift like a warm and gentle space wind through your rooms. I never met Projekt Erde members Christoph Hausmann and Martin Stark personally. But I urged Mark Reeder, head of MFS Records (whom I was recording for in the early 90s) to listen to their music. Being an Ambient aficionado as well he also fell in love with their music and signed them for their EP Tak-Ze on MFS in 1994.
It’s hard to find Projekt Erde’s music on the internet. I found this space video of Beteigeuze, the opening track of Mysterious Vibrations. 248 views so far. Do you find some more? Please post here if so.
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