Mijk van Dijk’s DJ-Mixes on Mixcloud – 140 shows and counting.
From Techno to House, from Dub to Funk.
And my guilty pleasure: Japanese City Pop of the 80s.
Mijk van Dijk DJ-Mix for Ukrainian Anti-War Fund-Raising
It's my honour to contribute a new exclusive mix to the anti-war fund-raising Ukrainian podcast by Manuscript Records....
Fürstenberger Wohnzimmer 025, evosonic radio, 2022-09-27
Welcome to the 25th episode of Fürstenberger Wohnzimmer, Mijk van Dijk's monthly show on evosonic radio. It's album...
Zug der Liebe 2022, Ritter Butzke-Afterparty, 2022-08-27
Straight from the Zug der Liebe 2022 into the club Ritter Butzke for the afterparty and what a night that was. Fully...
Fürstenberger Wohnzimmer 024, evosonic radio, 2022-08-23
Back again and ready to rave at Der Zug der Liebe this Saturday. Get your preview and all crucial crunchy information...
3000° Farewell at Fürstenberg Bahnhof
This is my DJ set at Bahnhof Fürstenberg for all the returning folks from the 3000° Festival. Barbnerdy and me set up...
Mijk van Dijk’s Euphoria-Mix
I did an exclusive 2-hour-DJ-mix for DJ Euphoria’s #melodiasessions which was aired August 12th, where I connected a...
Fürstenberger Wohnzimmer 023, evosonic radio, 2022-07-26
After a short summer break in June, Mijk is back with co-host Mr. Vhuture. Get ready for the Zug der Liebe 2022...
Fürstenberger Wohnzimmer 022, evosonic radio, 2022-05-24
Mijk is doing NFTs now too - however musical NFTs with bleeps. Together with Jürgen "JL" Laarmann he invented the...
Fürstenberger Wohnzimmer 021, evosonic radio, 2022-04-25
We are experiencing technical problems: please stand by! And so many of you dear evosonic radio listeners did. Mijk...
Fürstenberger Wohnzimmer 020, evosonic radio, 2022-03-22
Tell me why, tell me why, why can’t we live together? There’s a war in Europe. Putin's Russia is attacking a neighbour...
Fürstenberger Wohnzimmer 019, evosonic radio, 2022-02-22
22022022 - what a date in time! There should be people falling in love, babies being born and great music be released...
Fürstenberger Wohnzimmer 018, evosonic radio, 2022-01-25
Welcome to another revolution around the sun. 2022 is here and Mijk van Dijk & Mr. Vhuture welcome the new year...
Fürstenberger Wohnzimmer 017, evosonic radio, 2022-01-02
2021 ist vorbei und das Silvesterprogramm von evosonic steht diesmal unter dem Motto “Abschussball”. Alles muss raus...
Fürstenberger Wohnzimmer 016, evosonic radio, 2021-12-28
It’s Christmas time and Mijk van Dijk starts the December episode of his radio show “Fürstenberger Wohnzimmer” on...
Fürstenberger Wohnzimmer 015, evosonic radio, 2021-11-23
Mijk van Dijk and Mr. Vhuture celebrate the 1st anniversary of their radio show “Fürstenberger Wohnzimmer” on evosonic...
Fürstenberger Wohnzimmer 014, evosonic radio, 2021-10-26
This is the recording of Mijk van Dijk’s Radioshow “Fürstenberger Wohnzimmer - 014” on evosonic radio from October...
Fürstenberger Wohnzimmer 013, evosonic radio, 2021-09-28
This is the recording of Mijk van Dijk’s Radioshow “Fürstenberger Wohnzimmer - 013” on evosonic radio from September...
Mijk van Dijk, evosonic radio, Fürstenberger Wohnzimmer 012, 2021-08-24
It's the dirty dozen! On the 12th episode of “Fürstenberger Wohnzimmer“ on evosonic radio from August 24th, Mijk van...
Fürstenberger Wohnzimmer 003, evosonic radio, 2021-01-03
Welcome to the third edition of my new radio show "Fürstenberger Wohnzimmer", this time with a round-up of my...
Mijk van Dijk DJ-Set at Void Club Berlin, 2019-08-31
This is the set i played at the Flip To Groove Party at Void-Club Berlin on July 31st 2019. 3 hours of Techno. Thanks...
Mijk van Dijk presents Japan City Pop of the 80s Vol.2 – Sunshower Mix
It’s been way too long since I uploaded my first Japan City Pop DJ-Mix, which became an overnight success and with...
The Recap of Krautrock – a live DJ mix by Mijk van Dijk
I just uploaded a DJ-Mix to my Mixcloud contains no Techno or House music. Just so-called "Krautrock" from 1970...
Mijk van Dijk DJ-Set at Sisyphos Hammahalle, 2019-05-03
Glad to present you the uploads of my DJ-Set at Sisyphos Hammahalle from 2019-05-03. I played a long set full of...
Mijk van Dijk’s Dusty Dub Mix for Liquid Sky Berlin presentzzz
This is the Dusty Dub Mix I played live on Liquid Sky Berlin presentzzz on April 21st during Superbooth17, featuring...
Mijk van Dijk – LSBprsntzzz Ambient Mix April 14th, 2017
This is my jam for "Liquid Sky Berlin presentzzz" , the radio show by the Liquid Sky Berlin posse on Alex Berlin radio...
When 303s Are Dreaming…
I did this DJ Mix for "Liquid Sky Berlin presentzzz", the radio show by the Liquid Sky Berlin posse on Alex Berlin...
Mijk van Dijk DJ Set at Blümerant, Berlin, 2016-02-26
My set at Blümerant on February 26th 2016 is now on Mixcloud. Introducing my forthcoming release "Mankind United" with...
A Musical New Year’s Message 2016
My dear microglobe friends, thank you for your continuous support. I wish us all a very happy New Year 2016. May it...
New Mijk van Dijk Podcast Online
This is my DJ mix for the podcast series of my booking agency praxxiz booking. I took the chance out of my regular...
Mijk van Dijk DJ Mix September 2014
This is the DJ mix of music 4 the microglobe #18, the September 2014 edition as heard live on BLN.fm, cuebase-fm and...
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