To celebrate my 30th tour to Japan, I have been invited to DOMMUNE to talk about my 29 trips to Japan so far. I'm also gonna introduce my new label microglobe. Very excited. You can watch the 2-hour-program from wherever you are if you follow this link at 7pm Tokyo...
マイク・ヴァン・ダイク x 日本 = 30
■「マイク・ヴァン・ダイク x 日本 = 30 / chapter 1」Talking about Mijk van Dijk Mijk van Dijk (マイク・ヴァン・ダイク)は、1990年以来、ベルリンを拠点に活動するジャーマンテクノのパイオニアの一人である。数あるソロ作品だけでなく、DJ Hell、石野卓球、Thomas Schumacher、Cosmic Babyと言った一流テクノアーティスト達とトラックをプロデュースし、Moby、電気グルーヴ、GTOなどのリミックスも手がけてきた。またMarcos...
Mijk van Dijk’s Japan Tour 2017 Review
Domo arigato-gozaimasu to all my friends and fans in Japan, who made my 29th tour to Japan like another dream come true. This time it were short and sweet 8 days with 5 performances and a lot of other things to make and do. Day 1 On the day of my...
Mijk van Dijk DJ Set at Dommune
Yesterday I played a DJ set at DOMMUNE, the famous Japanese DJ web TV. The concept may look similar to Boiler Room, but Dommune is already since more than 5 1/2 years in session and their live video editing stands out so much, it reminds me of It was my third...
Mijk van Dijk Japan Tour 2015
My dear friends and fans in Japan. In July 2015 I will be somewhere in your neighbourhood again. I will play your and my favourite music with decks, FX and a drum machine. This is a tour for the true fans. I'm so happy to play in places where I have not been for ages...
マイク・ヴァン・ダイク JAPAN TOUR 2015
マイク・ヴァン・ダイク JAPAN TOUR 2015 親愛なる日本のファンと友だちのみなさん。来月(15年7月)また日本に行き、何ヶ所かでプレイすることが決まりました。みんなの、そして僕自身のお気に入りの曲を、タンテ&CDJ、エフェクター、それにドラムマシンを駆使してかけようと思っています...
Boiler Room Poster Boy
Have you ever wondered about that quite familiar looking young dude that you always see on the screens of Berlin's Boiler Room sessions, flipping 3,5" floppy disks in an old school sampler and smirking into the camera whilst twiddling knobs on his 303? Yep, that's me....
Mijk van Dijk Live DJ Set at Dommune Tokyo
November 14th 2014 I played a live DJ set at Dommune Tokyo. Dommune is a one of a kind internet radio show from Japan. They are situated in the basement of an old Microsoft office building in a remote part of Shibuya. It's such a small basement, they only allow 20 to...
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