Welcome to the third edition of my new radio show "Fürstenberger Wohnzimmer", this time with a round-up of my favourite tunes from 2020. If there was something nice about 2020 it surely was a lot of good music. So I tried to make a continuous mix of the highlights of...
Mijk van Dijk Lockdown Techno DJ Set, 2020-05-16
I did a Techno mix at the end of March straight from my studio and since I’m not streaming this weekend, I thought I should share this with you. Lots of tunes that I love, from the harder side of Techno. At the end I’m introducing a few new tunes of mine, including my...
Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt, Mille Plateaux compilation contribution
Mille Plateaux is back. Label founder Achim Szepanski compiled the essay book Ultrablack of Music as well as this compilation of dark underground ambient music, including Mijk van Dijk's new track "Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt", which is a German proverb for "the...
Force Inc./ Mille Plateaux is back
Wow. Force Inc./Mille Plateaux is back. I've had the honour to contribute two tracks to their first new compilation "Ultrablack Of Music". Other contributors include my Liquid Sky Berlin tribe members Dr. Walker, 10cars and Twin Peetz. Yes, if you want...
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