It has been such a wild weekend, I’m still out of words. Absolutely loved the Zug der Liebe and the amazing Zug der Liebe Afterparty im Ritter Butzke.

Thank you to the Dangerous Drums crew for that great float, Der Weiße Hase for the phat sound system, Adora, Drea, Christian, Sam, Jens and last but not least Ed2000 for all the orga and Ritter Butzke for that phat afterparty with Kay Barton‘s Vienna posse, my Berlin friends Angela and Dave and I’m sure as always I forgot folks who deserve to be mentioned.
I’m still unpacking all the audio-and video recordings and will post em in the next few days.
For now, here’s a supposedly artful blurry picture of who deserves the most thanks and respect for that great parade: we the people!!!! Yes, WE did it!
More info and audio of my DJ set at Zug der Liebe Afterparty im Ritter Butzke right HERE!

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