Der Klang der Familie
Der Klang der Familie, in English

Der Klang der Familie, in English

Just in case you are still looking for Christmas presents: why not give the gift of music history: oral history about the earliest years of Berlin Techno, right before and after the wall came down some 25 years ago. The fantastic book Der Klang der Familie named after...

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Walfisch RevivalParty March 2014

Walfisch RevivalParty March 2014

Walfisch Berlin was THE classic Afterhour club in the early 90s in Berlin. Doors would open by 10 am in the morning and the party would be at its peak at 4 pm in the afternoon. The music was new black polished chrome and came over the summer like liquid night. Once or...

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Der Klang der Familie – English chapter online

Der Klang der Familie – English chapter online

Some of you probably know the book "Der Klang der Familie", named after the famous track by 3Phase feat. Dr. Motte. It's an oral history of the first years of Techno in Berlin, compiled and written by Felix Denk and Sven von ThĂĽlen (of Zander VT fame) out of probably...

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