I did an exclusive 2-hour-DJ-mix for DJ Euphoria’s #melodiasessions which was aired August 12th, where I connected a few dots between old and very new euphoric music and spiced them up with my own productions, some well-known, some maybe not. Thank you Alex for having...
Mijk plays Mijk for Wonderful Rave
Everybody's streaming and so do I, every once in a while. My booking agency Classic DJ asked me to contribute to their Wonderful Rave program and so I played this vinyl DJ set straight from my living room, with only Mijk tracks from the past. With a few surprises,...
僕が初めて日本でプレイしたのは、ちょうど20年前でした。その後26回来日し、この素晴らしい国で多くの友達と強い絆を結ぶことができました。 どうしてそうなったの?と時々聞かれるので、今日はぜひこのお話を紹介したいと思います。 当時フロッグマンレコードの佐藤大さんと渡辺健吾さんに招待され、渋谷クラプクアトロでプレイさせてもらいました。以前から友達であるToby Izuiさん(Tobynation)が、フロッグマンレコードに僕を紹介し、彼らとコンタクトを取ってくれていたのです。...
My first trip to Japan in 1994
Exactly 20 years ago I played in Japan for the first time. Since now, I have travelled 26 times to Japan, made many friends and built a strong bond with that amazing country. Sometimes I am asked, how this all happened. I'd like to share this story with you...
Mijk van Dijk @ WOMB Japan
When Mijk van Dijk DJed at Tokyo's super club WOMB during his tour through Japan in November 2010, he was filmed by the good people from Red Bull TV for their program Night Flight, that transmits complete sets from the best DJs of the world in the best clubs in the...
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