Love Parade #3, 1991, 30 years ago

Love Parade #3, 1991, 30 years ago

My House Is Your House And Your House Is Mine was the motto of the 3rd Loveparade which took to the Berlin Ku'damm today, 30 years ago on July 6th 1991. 6.000 friends gathered from all major German techno cities and scenes and we realised, that we were many. Techno...

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マイク・ヴァン・ダイク x 日本 = 30

マイク・ヴァン・ダイク x 日本 = 30

■「マイク・ヴァン・ダイク x 日本 = 30 / chapter 1」Talking about Mijk van Dijk Mijk van Dijk (マイク・ヴァン・ダイク)は、1990年以来、ベルリンを拠点に活動するジャーマンテクノのパイオニアの一人である。数あるソロ作品だけでなく、DJ Hell、石野卓球、Thomas Schumacher、Cosmic Babyと言った一流テクノアーティスト達とトラックをプロデュースし、Moby、電気グルーヴ、GTOなどのリミックスも手がけてきた。またMarcos...

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We Call It Techno

We Call It Techno

In 2008 the fine documentation "We Call It Techno" was released on DVD. It was to my knowledge the first proper documentation of it's kind with many to follow.It included a lot of video footage from a time, when there were no smartphones with cameras yet...

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