My House Is Your House And Your House Is Mine was the motto of the 3rd Loveparade which took to the Berlin Ku’damm today, 30 years ago on July 6th 1991.
6.000 friends gathered from all major German techno cities and scenes and we realised, that we were many. Techno was everywhere. It was hot (29,3 C°) and dry (zero rain) and unforgetable.
Tanith and me performed as Bash-Commando at the final party at Halle Weissensee, first playing our 9-10-Boy club hit Revenge Of The Gatorade hanging on strings over the stage, then playing the other Bash Records tunes. Tanith was using a flex on a tin can and you can see the devilish fun he had. It was the only live performance we ever did together and also my first and only playback performance ever.
Loveparade on German Wikipedia
Loveparade on English Wikipedia
Many years later we re-released the original anthem of the Love Parade 1991 on Bash Again Records and this is my remix.
Frankie Bones – My House is your House (Mijk van Dijk Remix)
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