The Wohnzimmer series continues: on 2021-02-23, Mijk presented the 5th edition of Fürstenberger Wohnzimmer from 20:00 to 22:00h on evosonic radio. Mixed and commented live, with new albums and compilations by DJ Jauche, Jeff Mills, Bar 25 and Schönbrunner Perlen, the...
Mijk van Dijk DJ Set at Walfisch Revival Party Berlin, 2019-03-08
This is my 7th DJ-set at Walfisch Revival Party. Keeping the tradition of playing tracks that I did not play at Walfisch so far, I started easy with almost housy beats and vibes. Then I payed tribute to the late Keith Flint of The Prodigy (which truly was a...
MotherÂfunk #32 — Late Nite Tuff Guy
Late Nite Tuff Guy aus Adelaide/ AusÂtraÂlien appeared already in earlier playÂlists of MotherÂfunk auf Now he visited the stuÂdio: the successful DJ and edit artist with over  17.000 folÂloÂwers on SoundÂcloud is on EuroÂpean Âtour and Mijk van...
The Wanderer In Schöneberg
Remember the time, long before Soundcloud, Traktor and Ableton, when DJ mixtapes were still special? Raw recordings from a night in a club with no strings attached, copied and shared tape by tape like secret knowledge. When Marcos Lopez and me aka Marmion heard a...
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