I recently tested the wonderful Varia Instruments RDM40-Rotary Mixer for Bonedo and recorded a short vinyl set that I would like to share with you. I grabbed a few techno 12's from the shelf, that I loved to play around the edge of the millenium in clubs like Tresor...
My Love Affair with my 303 Devilfish
I wrote a feature about my love affair with my Roland TB-303 Devil Fish for Bonedo, in German language. Non-German 303 fans may wanna check the videos. As you can see on this picture from 1997, I was really fond with my Devilfish Modification, when I picked it up...
Loving the 101
Bonedo asked me to write about my love affair with the Roland SH-101. Read >>THIS<< , if you wanna know why it was love at second sight. (German language only!)
DJ Hardware vs DJ Software
I wrote an article for Bonedo about a phenomena that has been happening since years and that I also perceive in my own way of DJing: after years of laptops in the DJ booths, more and more DJs rediscover the joy of using the hardware players, that are supplied by the...
Kisuna & the new Technics SL-1200 GAE
Last week on June 15th I played a special vinyl DJ set for the presentation of the brandnew and very limited Technics SL-1200 GAE turntable at Kisuna Arts & Records Pop Up Shop in Berlin-Mitte, Â actually also using it in my set. For those of you who could not come...
Mijk van Dijk writes again!
Some of you might know that I originally moved to Berlin in the 80s to study at the Freie Universität Berlin to become a journalist. I wrote for music magazines like Network Press, !Hype, Cut and Frontpage, met and interviewed artists like De La Soul, Digital...
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