Mixcloudで私の最初のCity Pop Mixを聞いてくれてありがとう。 (-_-) 新しいものをアップロードしました:Vol.2 - Sunshower Mix! \_(ツ)_/¯ 夏をお楽しみください! (^o^)// (Picture by Gra-chan on location in Tokyo-Gotanda) Mijk van Dijk presents Japan CIty Pop of the 80s Vol.2 - Sunshower PLAYLIST 1. Taeko Ohnuki -...
Mijk van Dijk presents Japan City Pop of the 80s Vol.2 – Sunshower Mix
It’s been way too long since I uploaded my first Japan City Pop DJ-Mix, which became an overnight success and with 11.600+ listeners to date my most popular mix on Mixcloud by far. It’s really amazing, how many people seem to share my passion for City Pop...
10k listeners for my Japan City Pop Mix
Today I noticed that for the first time one of my Mixcloud sets scored over 10.000 listeners with over 103.750 minutes listening time. That’s truly amazing! Domo-arigato gozaimashita to all who have been listening and supporting my humble dedication to...
Mijk van Dijkが80年代のジャパンシティポップを発表DJ-Mix
私の80年代のジャパンシティポップのDJミックスをお楽しみください。 東京でCity Popのレコードを集めて、このDJミックスを作りました。 Electronic Beatsマガジンは私のミックスを彼らのウェブサイトで述べました。\_(ツ)_/¯ 私の「木箱掘り」を手伝ってくれた東京の親友のToby IzuiとRobert Palmerに感謝します。 Mijk van Dijk presents Japan City Pop of the 80s PLAYLIST 1. Jadoes - Friday Night Story -...
Octan – my band at High School
Throwback Tuesday! Claus Thoden, the drummer of my first high school band is celebrating his birthday today and when I posted an old band photo from 1981, I thought I should share that with you too. As you can see, we were a 3-piece band with me playing the bass. And...
Manscape – Tool EP – nuFunkFiles 003
On a hot summer day, Mijk van Dijk and long-term friend Joshua Kirkby from Sydney sat down in Mijk’s studio in Berlin and created „Tool“, a slow boogie burner, that Mijk has been road-testing ever since in his NuFunk DJ sets. It was clear that this little gem had to...
motherfunk #1 with G.I. Disco
This is 1st edition of Mijk van Dijk's show motherfunk on BLN.fm and it all starts in Berlin with the cool guys of G.I. Disco, who bring back the 80s funk to the clubs to revive an almost forgotten aera of club music in Germany of the early 80s, when black G.I.s,...
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