Words don’t come easy after such a truly historic match. I’ve been watching the World Cup 2014 semi final between host Brazil and Germany at a friend’s place and after 30 minutes we rubbed our eyes in disbelief: it seemed so unreal what happened at the Estádio Mineirão in Belo Horizonte.
After the 4th and 5th German goal, we couldn’t even cheer really. It just felt so bitter for Brazil to become beaten like this. It was also unbelievable to see how secure the German team played and how helpless the Selecao seemed. I hope Brazil will recover soon from yesterday’s match and draw the right conclusions for their future Selecao. I feel satisfied that the reactions in Germany are super-happy, but not malicious. And that the Brazlian reactions are decent as well.
I just learned that yesterday’s match has been dubbed Mineiraço by the Brazlian media and even the FIFA.
Now I am looking forward to today’s semi final of The Netherlands vs Argentina, hoping for my dream final Germany vs Holland.
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