Rush Hour
Mijk van Dijk DJ Charts Oktober 2021

Mijk van Dijk DJ Charts Oktober 2021

Mijk van Dijk DJ Charts Oktober 2021 1. Lifka - Phase Alternating Line - LAP Issue 2. Adam de Maaral - Bracing (Matt Sassari Remix) - Adesso Music 3. Ellen Allien - Acid Against Fascism - Gegen Decade 4. Tom Wax & Dolby D - The Pusher - OFF Recordings 5. Steve Bug...

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mother­funk #28: Sexy Music Rated X

mother­funk #28: Sexy Music Rated X

Mijk is back again with motherfunk on and some of his favourite Grooves frrom the 80s. Often sampled, never forgotten. Walls of sugar, Sinnamon and white chocolate. No fake" A look through the keyhole. Boo­gie down, funksters! Playlist: 1. B Beat Girls – For...

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