Mijk & Dr. Walker at Elektro Beats on rbb radioeins

Mijk & Dr. Walker at Elektro Beats on rbb radioeins

My Liquid Sky Berlin mate Dr. Walker and yours truly were guests on the famous German radio show Elektro Beats on radioeins, hosted by Volker Düspohl on Wednesday night, 23rd July. We talked about sound, vision and life and of course played music as well. I presented...

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Elektro Beats auf rbb radioeins

Elektro Beats auf rbb radioeins

Tonight at 11pm CET you can hear me with my Liquid Sky Berlin mate Dr. Walker on the famous German radio show Elektro Beats on radioeins, hosted by Volker Düspohl. We will talk about music and life and of course will play music as well. I intend to present some of my...

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