Mijk van Dijk DJ Charts February 2020

Mijk van Dijk DJ Charts February 2020

1. Avision - Time Lapse - Ellum Audio 2. Akoriz - Crash - Kneaded Pains 3. 2nd Phase - Absolute Warper - Analytictrail 4. Monolog - Sum - KNTXT 5. Charlotte de Witte - Vision - Figure 6. Juan Sanchez - Narcissus - Cocoon 7. Alan Fitzpatrick Vs Patrice Rushen - Haven't...

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Kisuna & the new Technics SL-1200 GAE

Kisuna & the new Technics SL-1200 GAE

Last week on June 15th I played a special vinyl DJ set for the presentation of the brandnew and very limited Technics SL-1200 GAE turntable at Kisuna Arts & Records Pop Up Shop in Berlin-Mitte,  actually also using it in my set. For those of you who could not come...

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