motherfunk252-640x638It’s getting cold outside: time for Mother­funk on BLN.fmMijk van Dijk has got great NuFunk and Boo­gie House pearls for you, like the brand-new single by Boogie wonder boy Lorenz Rhode, a fresh Tiger & Woods remix, a new album by Posi­tive Flow on Tokyo Dawn Records, along with classics from the 1970s and 1980s by René & Angela und Her­bie Han­cock. Sure nuff funky and eay too hot music for autumn depressions. Boo­gie down, funksters!


1. Aero­plane feat. Jamie Prin­ciple — In Her Eyes (Tiger & Woods Remix) – Aero­pop
2. Lorenz Rhode feat. Coco Solid — Super­fi­cial Robots – Exploi­ted
3. James Curd — Yel­low Magic – Exploi­ted
4. Nicone — Why (Monte Remix) – OFF Recor­dings
5. René & Angela — I’ll Be Good – Mer­cury
6. Monte – True – Jeudi
7. AnthonyAn­thony — Porec Is The New Ibiza — Lou­lou Records
8. Wolf + Lamb vs. Soul Clap — Wee­kend Affair — Wolf + Lamb
9. Posi­tive Flow feat. Vanessa Free­man — In The Gar­den Of Your Life — Tokyo Dawn Records
10. Posi­tive Flow — Orange & Brown — Tokyo Dawn Records
11. Her­bie Han­cock — Ready Or Not – Colum­bia
12. El Fre­aka­dell — I Got You (Mudegg & Mam­muth Disco Remix) — Com­post Disco
[soundcloud url=”″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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