I gave a loooooong interview for An Den Decks Podcast. If you understand German, feel free to follow me on a 2-hour-long expedition through the past and present of my life as a DJ and music lover. With many little stories that you probably did not know yet. And many links for rabbit hole diggers on their website. Thanks to The Dirkness and Thomas Haak for this super-nice afternoon talk. Available on YouTube, Spotify, Deezer, Apple Podcast, Amazon Podcast, Google Podcast. Take your pick! Please excuse my occasional mumbling or “loud thinking” (aka talking breaks) and feel free to ask more questions in the comments below.
Ich habe ein langes Interview in deutscher Sprache fĂĽr An den Decks Podcast gegeben, mit vielen kleinen Geschichten, von denen Ihr bestimmt noch nichts wusstet. Dazu gibt es viele weiterfĂĽhrende Links auf der An den Decks-Website.
An den Decks Podcast Interview mit Mijk van Dijk
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