Mijk van Dijk DJ Charts January 2021
1. Pig&Dan – Glide – Truesoul
2. Weltenstein – 1969 – Studio 3000
3. Rampa – 2000 – Cocoon
4. Giovanni Carozza – Ambigramma – Second State
5. Christian Smith – Stratosphere – We Are The Brave
6. Grimes – So Heavy I Fell Through the Earth (ANNA Remix) – 4AD
7. Mike Spirit feat. Dasha Putina – The Vaccine Is Love – Sincopat
8. Bicep – Atlas – Ninja Tune
9. Mijk van Dijk & Alex Blanco – Avalanche – Trapez
10. Mijk van Dijk & Alex Blanco – School Of Hard Knocks – Trapez
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