I’m looking forward to play again in my “fatherland” The Netherlands after many many years at The Promised Land Open Air Festival between Amsterdam and Haarlem on Juni 13th 2015.Other acts include my friend Dr. Motte from Berlin, Julian Liberator, Sonic Solution, Fierce Ruling Diva, Abraxas & Jeroen Flamman, Gizmo, Remy, Marcello, Dano, Per, Spider Willem, Mike Ravelli, Alexander Koning, Monde, Gino, Michel Becks, David Dinges Dacosta, Lars Johannson, Ven, Cloud Riders and many many others.
As the names suggest, it’s a classic Techno/ House Open Air and I shall play my favourite records from 1989 – 1996.
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Sounds good? Maybe sounds like this!
Mijk van Dijk Classic DJ Set at Walfisch Revival Party Berlin
Mijk van Dijk Classic DJ Set at Walfisch Revival Party Berlin, 2014-03-14 by Mijk Van Dijk on Mixcloud
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