My dear friends, 2016 has been quite a rough ride, hasn’t it? Hard to swallow all the negative that has been thrown at us:
– dangerous warfare in Syria and Ukraine with the superpowers involved
– fake news and info wars over the interpretive authority
– worldwide terror and the after-effects like
– the rise of right-winged despots and parties – often by the votes of those they actually oppress,
– the way too early departure of idols as Prince and Bowie and – even worse – of dear personal friends.
Nevertheless, let’s be “High On Hope” that the New Year 2017 will bring good luck and fortune and eventually peace for us all. Let’s stand together in all our diversity, because that’s the best answer to those who want to divide and conquer our thoughts and minds and life for their own benefit.
I will finally launch my label microglobe productions soon in 2017.
I shall continue my radio show music for the microglobe in an advanced format.
And there’ll be much more music by a glow, my new duo with Jette von Roth.
It’s gonna be an exciting 2017.
Happy New Year, y’all!
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