Dear All,
like probably all of you I feel heartstruck by the events that happened just a few days ago in Paris on January 7th 2015, when brute criminal terrorists slaughtered the good people of French satire magazine Charlie Hebdo allegedly in the name of Allah.
There’s been a lot discussion in Germany in the last few days whether the religion of Islam is responsible for that cruel assault, seeding the stupid fear that every muslim could be a potential terrorist. The assault has already been instrumentalized by right-winged politicians and movements here. A conservative German tabloid paper even blamed Edward Snowden and a lack of surveillance for that desasterous attack, in an attempt to push forward an agenda of internet control and surveillance of the people.
I have been discussing a lot with friends, how we can act in response to this. I am not a politician but a musician, an artist, who must not present proper political solutions but can express his hopes and fears through  music. Like John Lennon, when he wrote Imagine, I am hoping for peace and understanding on this planet, knowing that I will probably never live to see a world in complete peace but being aware that every  peaceful woman and man will make this world a little bit better for all of us, our children and generations to come.
My main comment always was that no matter if Christian, Muslim, Jew or Gentile: WE ARE THE PEOPLE!
And we must stand together against oppression, may it come from terrorists or politicians who want to divide us and use us for their very own agenda.
First of all we have to comfort the families and friends of the victims.
But we also need consolation, because this atrocity infuses fear and doubts into our hearts.
My good friend Daniel Domscheit-Berg pointed me yesterday on the  famous inspirational speech by Charlie Chaplin from the movie The Great Dictator. This speech has always consoled me in dark times, because it appeals so deeply to the humanity in all of us and nurtures my belief, that humanity can prevail after all.
I had mixed that speech already once in a DJ mix for my friend Merlyn Martin‘s Subdivisions show in early 2012. I feel that especially the intro of this mix has a such a positive vibe (also thanks to the power of Tim Deluxe’s wonderful track Transformation) that I like to repost it without Merlyn’s presentation.
(Original Version of Subdivisions February 2012 <<<HERE!)
Therefore here’s this mix once again with proper intro and ending and I sincerely hope that you will feel inspired as well to stand strong, live your life free and without fear and speak out in favour of the people, of all people on this microglobe that we call planet Earth.
We are all Charlie! We are all Ahmed!
Mijk van Dijk’s Do Not Despair Mix from 2012 by Mijk Van Dijk on Mixcloud
And here’s that fine speech by Charlie Chaplin from the movie.
Here’s a tweet by my friend Anke Domscheit-Berg on the same subject.
And if you read this and scrolled all the way down, thank you for your interest and patience:
here is a downloadable post of the mix!
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