Smallsized Supersound

Smallsized Supersound

Just when I wanted to quit smoking, I got that funky little Traktor Audio 2 DJ Mk.2, that fits in a cigarette box. Nice as a backup sound card.

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My MS20 Is a Nerd

My MS20 Is a Nerd

Don't be alarmed, this is only a test. Test-driving the brand-new Blog function on my website. So that I can blog on my own space first, and Facebook second. Or third... 😉

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Musikmesse Frankfurt 2014

Musikmesse Frankfurt 2014

From March 12th to 15th, Frankfurt again hosted the Musikmesse and I went there with Dr. Walker and a mission: check out new gear and promote Liquid Sky Berlin’s Psychedelic Kitchen TV. Here’s what I felt about some of the new great stuff presented there. Roland After...

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