pledgemusicbrmDear Friends, Billie Ray Martin, the undisputed Soul Diva of House Music (whom yours truly already had the honour and pleasure to remix) will be releasing a classic Soul Album and you can support her crowdfunding campaign on PledgeMusic. The choice should be easy: after one day she has already reached amazing 96% of her financing goal.
I am truly proud of her and her glorious fans. I’m one of them and I have placed my order already for a signed copy of the vinyl album.
A download code for the digital pack is also included, nice service!
Now you can be a winner and complete the pledge! 😉
Here’s an excerpt in Billie’s own words:
“I had the dream of making an album that’s influenced by Hi Records (Al Green, Ann Peebles and many other classic artists are on that label), but also felt like adding some rhythm and blues. So this is a “dream come true” side project, you could say.”

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