Music 4 The Micro­globe #40 – July 2016

Music 4 The Micro­globe #40 – July 2016

Happy to present the July episode of my radio show music 4 the microglobe- This is already episode 40 and will be syndicated to BLN.fm with German presentation and cuebase.fm and XLTRAX in English presentation. I needed to pick some soothing music first, due to all...

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Music 4 The Micro­globe #28 – July 2015

Music 4 The Micro­globe #28 – July 2015

This is the July episode of my radioshow music 4 the microglobe. When you listen to this live tonight, I'll be already in Japan on my tour, that's why I start the show with my latest remix of Reqterdrumer's Torrent Of People. Furthermore new tracks and remixes...

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