Mijk van Dijk’s Japan Tour 2017 Review

Mijk van Dijk’s Japan Tour 2017 Review

Domo arigato-gozaimasu to all my friends and fans in Japan, who made my 29th tour to Japan like another dream come true. This time it were short and sweet 8 days with 5 performances and a lot of other things to make and do. Day 1  On the day of my...

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Toby’s 50th Birthday in Tokyo

Toby’s 50th Birthday in Tokyo

On October 29th my great friend Toby Izui aka Tobynation celebrated his B*day at Club Oiran in Shibuya-Tokyo. I was so happy to be part of his celebration. Before I take any more time in describing all that happened, here are some pictures for you. Updates soon!...

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