Mijk van Dijk DJ Charts Oktober 2019

Mijk van Dijk DJ Charts Oktober 2019

1. Harvey McKay - Remember - Kneaded Pains 2. O.R.B. - Red Tram - After Dark 3. The Advent & CJ Bolland - Camargue 2019 (Maceo Plex Remix) - Drumcode 4. Reinier Zonneveld - Melting Brains - Fllth On Acid 5. Haindo - Jingo - Sonar Bliss Records 6. Amelie Lens -...

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mother­funk #29 – Final Call For Springtime

mother­funk #29 – Final Call For Springtime

While Ber­lin is still waiting for springtime, Mijk van Dijk demands on BLN.fm with „Cherry Blossom Beats” the end of frost and snow with fresh NuFunk buds and Boogie blossoms. The new album by Jamie Lidell is „funky 2 the max!” — Springtime can come. But now for...

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