Mijk van Dijk’s Japan Tour 2017 Review

Mijk van Dijk’s Japan Tour 2017 Review

Domo arigato-gozaimasu to all my friends and fans in Japan, who made my 29th tour to Japan like another dream come true. This time it were short and sweet 8 days with 5 performances and a lot of other things to make and do. Day 1  On the day of my...

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Mijk van Dijk Japanツアー2017

Mijk van Dijk Japanツアー2017

私は2017年日本ツアーを発表してとてもうれしいです。 今年9月に福岡、大阪、東京を訪れ、新レーベル「microglobe」の音楽を紹介します。 恐れや不安の時には、私たちの心と音楽に私たちの団結を祝福しましょう。 ここに日付があります: 9月13日:Tokyo, DOMMUNE 9月15日:Fukuoka, Kieth Flack 9月16日:Osaka, bar 天空喫茶 9月17日:Tokyo, Wall&Wall...

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Mijk van Dijk Japan Tour 2017

Mijk van Dijk Japan Tour 2017

I'm very happy to announce my 2017 Japan Tour. This September I shall tour Fukuoka, Osaka and Tokyo and introduce the music of my new label microglobe. Let's celebrate our unity in our minds and our music. Here are the dates: September 13th: Tokyo, DOMMUNE September...

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Mijk van Dijk DJ Mix June 2017

Mijk van Dijk DJ Mix June 2017

Oh, I know, I did not post a proper monthly mix for quite a while now. So here's a mix with the type of Techno I like to spin.I included a lot of exciting new Techno from Southern Germany by SHDW & Obscure Shape, Trap10 and Konstantin Sibold, new faces...

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Mijk van Dijk live in Tokyo at Tächno Fest

Mijk van Dijk live in Tokyo at Tächno Fest

Wow, I just found this video on YouTube. On April 25th 1998 I played live in Tokyo  at Liquid Room along with Denki Groove,  Takkyu Ishino, Toby Izui and Westbam. The party was part of a small tour in Japan called "Tächno Fest" (which is not a spelling mistake but an...

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