Mijk van Dijk Classic DJ Set at The Promised Land

Mijk van Dijk Classic DJ Set at The Promised Land

On June 13th 2015 I played a classic Techno DJ set at The Promised Land Open Air Festival in Spaarnwoude/ The Netherlands. I was impressed by the familiar feeling within the audiance and you could really tell, that all of these people have been celebrating on Techno...

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Mijk van Dijk at The Promised Land

Mijk van Dijk at The Promised Land

I'm looking forward to play again in my "fatherland" The Netherlands after many many years at The Promised Land Open Air Festival between Amsterdam and Haarlem on Juni 13th 2015.Other acts include my friend Dr. Motte from Berlin, Julian Liberator, Sonic Solution,...

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The Semi Finals at World Cup 2014

The Semi Finals at World Cup 2014

4 weeks ago I posted about the World Cup in Brazil. Now the quarter finals have been played and my 2 favourite teams are still in the contest and might meet in the final, just like 40 years ago in World Cup 1974. As a son of a Dutch father and a German mother, little...

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