Music 4 The Micro­globe #41 – August 2016

Music 4 The Micro­globe #41 – August 2016

Here is finally the August episode of my radio show music 4 the microglobe. This is episode 41, syndicated to BLN.fm with German presentation and cuebase.fm and XLTRAX in English presentation. This time featuring new tracks and remixes by The Glitz, Rick Wade, Todd...

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Music 4 The Micro­globe #37 – April 2016

Music 4 The Micro­globe #37 – April 2016

Thunder & sunshine,  night & day, music 4 the microglobe in April is as diverse as the April weather. With my favourite Techno tunes of the last month including tracks and remixes by Tominori Hosoya, Ejeca, Hot Lipps Inc., dubspeeka, Rob...

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Music 4 The Micro­globe #35 – February 2016

Music 4 The Micro­globe #35 – February 2016

„When the world is running down, you make the best of what’s still around.“ That’s not my rhyme, but what The Police sang back in 1980 on their Zenyatta Mondatta album. 36 years later the world is running down again and well, we’re gonna make the best out of it: play...

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Music 4 The Micro­globe #34 – January 2016

Music 4 The Micro­globe #34 – January 2016

  Somehow 2016 feels vicious so far: public icons die at the age of 69, war and terror everywhere, the gaps are widening between the rich and the poor, North and South, East and West and nobody knows a way out of this misery, but everyone is busy posting, who’s...

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Music 4 The Microglobe #32 – November 2015

Music 4 The Microglobe #32 – November 2015

Just a couple of days after the hostile and inhuman terror attacks on Paris, Mijk van Dijk presents music 4 the microglobe on a moody note. He starts with a classic from Paris, for Paris, „Acid Eiffel" by Choice aka Shazz and Laurent Garnier from 1993 and ends with...

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